You need to know the information contained in the 3rd edition handbook “Life in the United Kingdom: A guide for new Residents”. Every single question in the official test and in our preparational mock tests will be based on this book. There are 5 Chapters in this guide with 23  topics. 


It is a good idea to read ABOUT THE TEST section first. Then you should read the Exam STUDY GUIDE section and then begin to take the exam tests. To do this, you must access the MOCK TESTS section with 40 tests, which are real-time simulations of the real test exam.

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The test is computer based and contains 24 questions and is designed to test applicant's knowledge of life in the UK in 45 minutes time.

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Everybody in the age of 18-64 is required to pass this test as part of their citizenship application process since 2005 exept of some disabled.

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You need to pass the test once – you don't need to pass the test again if you became a British citizen and previously passed for settlement needs.

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You must score 75% or more to pass the test. This is equivalent to answering 18 or more out of 24 questions correctly. Pretty simple rule isn't it.